1500L – 3 Bin Low Lift Fruit Carrier Trailer

Widely used throughout horticulture in New Zealand and most commonly in the Kiwifruit industry, Transtak’s 1500L Trailer is excellent at moving bins of fruit efficiently from the Orchard to the Packhouse, shifting up to 250 bins a day.

The 1500L works well with the Transtak 3500 Trailer, carting bins from rows to headlands, to be stacked and moved away with the Transtak 3500 in lots of 6 full bins. Using these trailers together ensures a constant flow of empty and full bins meaning fruit is shifted much faster and more efficiently.

Interested in trying this on your orchard? get in touch today!

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Transtak’s 1500L low lift fruit bin carrier trailer has the following features:

    • 3 bin capacity(1500 kg).
    • The load tilts back as it lifts to its full height, and lowers level with the ground to load bins.
    • Tapered tensile steel forks-3600 mm length x 1300 mm width load space.
    • Ground clearance at full lift-350 mm.
    • Bolted hitch height & fork angle adjustment.
  • 225/70R15 – 235mm wide trailer wheels / 50sq hubs & stubs.
  • Steel Rolled mudguards covered inside & fitted with deflector struts.
  • Bins/Day capacity : approx.- 250

Transtak’s Soft-Ride rubber & hydra-pneumatic suspension ensuring a soft ride for the fruit and reducing the risk of damage.

Pip-Fruit Option (Intensively Planted Apples):

  • Tandem small-wheel axle-set and Narrow Trailer for use in 3.5m wide rows

Check out our new BIN-LOCK System for operation on Steep Slopes

Demonstration Video